In this part of our ongoing build process we are going to focus on styling the HTML. This tutorial will have three main sections: Adding the images Covert fonts to web fonts Styling each section Let’s quickly remind ourselves of what we’ve built so far : Bearing in mind we’re aiming for this , we have a fair bit to do! Adding the Images Instead of cropping the background image for each section, we’re going to download the images from , which has large and free to use images. We are going to use the following images: Hero image Creativity image Help image Video image Quote image Create a new folder, call it “images” and download the images there. If you’d like to optimize and resave them to shave off some more kilobytes feel free. Besides this, for our portfolio images, we are going to grab some rather nice trianglify images . Download six SVG files and place them in an “images/portfolio” folder, each file should be named as follows: “work_1.svg”, “work_2.svg” ... “work_6.svg”